

I kind of accidentally fell into gardening, I moved into a council house, you know like they all are, pretty much awful and ugly. So, after decorating the inside, I headed to the dreaded outside!
To cut a long story short… I hired various tradesmen to overhaul the garden like we all do. Over the next year, and 3 small children running amok, suffice to say the garden was wrecked. Slap-dash workmanship mainly to blame… I was not a happy bunny.
I then had to get involved myself, rip it all out and replace the whole lot! 7 Years later, and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Not only has it been hard work but very rewarding! I now have a lovely private garden completed to a high standard, by myself and Ben. I have learned many new skills along the way, which combined with my OCD for cleaning and tidying and a whole ton of energy, allows me to whip your messy gardens into shape!



I got into landscaping randomly after spending too much time sitting in lorry cabs, mainly in motorway traffic… bored out of my mind and wanting to make some changes! I had met Noele through mutual friends around the same sort of time This happened to coincide with her gun ho style gardening renovations.
After getting involved in the process myself, I quickly developed a love for working outside, keeping fit and transforming gardens. I was really surprised just how much I enjoyed getting stuck in.
On the back of this I applied to change my job to work for a landscaping company, amazingly I got the job! Over the next 4 years I worked my way up whilst learning as much as possible from paving to planters and everything in between. I am thankful to of learned so much from some great people.
Now I use my skills to help transform customers gardens, including my own project at my nans house and of course our own ever ongoing garden project.